Vibration Assisted Nanopositioning
Background and Motivation
Nanopositioning (NP) stages are used for precise positioning in a wide range of nanotech processes. They can be constructed using flexure, magnetic, air or roller bearings but roller bearing NP stages are the most cost effective, and are currently the only commercially viable option for a growing number of long-range NP applications that must be performed in (ultra) high vacuum environments. However, RB-NP stages take 5-10 times longer than equivalent frictionless stages to settle to their target positions in point-to-point positioning motions due to so-called “pre-rolling friction.” This research investigates a novel approach to reducing friction in roller bearing NP stages by using high frequency vibration.
Nanopositioning (NP) stages are used for precise positioning in a wide range of nanotech processes. They can be constructed using flexure, magnetic, air or roller bearings but roller bearing NP stages are the most cost effective, and are currently the only commercially viable option for a growing number of long-range NP applications that must be performed in (ultra) high vacuum environments. However, RB-NP stages take 5-10 times longer than equivalent frictionless stages to settle to their target positions in point-to-point positioning motions due to so-called “pre-rolling friction.” This research investigates a novel approach to reducing friction in roller bearing NP stages by using high frequency vibration.
Related Publications/Patents
- Dong. X, Zhang, X., Okwudire, C.E., 2015, “ A Novel Approach for Reducing the Settling Time of Roller Bearing Nanopositioning Stages using High Frequency Vibration,” 2015 ASPE Annual Meeting, November 1-6, 2015, Austin, TX. (Winner of Best Oral Presentation Award at ASPE 2015) (pdf)
- Okwudire, C.E., Vibration Assisted Nanopositioning Stage. (Pending).
- Dong, X., Yoon, D., Okwudire, C.E., Flexure Augmented Roller Bearing Nanopositioning Stage (Pending)
Project Team and Collaborators
- Xin Dong (M.S.E. student, U-M)
- Xiaowen Zhang (Undergraduate student, U-M)